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Nowadays, people are more and more stressed in their daily life. Some people think that one of the best ways to reduce stress is to do exercise. Others believe that ha ving a relaxing hobby is b e tter. In my opinion, both ways are effective to reduce stress.
On the one hand, doing exercise is a great way to reduce stress. When people are doing exercise, they can release their negative emotions and feel more relaxed. Exercise can also improve people's physical health, which can help them to res i st stress. For example, running, swimming or cycling can make people feel ha p py and relaxed. After doing exercise, people can ha ve a b e tter mood and more energy to face their daily life.
On the other hand, ha ving a relaxing hobby is also a good way to reduce stress. For example, reading books, listening to music or painting can help people to forget their problems and relax. When people are doing their hob b ies, they can focus on their interests and forget everything else. This can help them to ha ve a b e tter mental state and reduce stress. For example, if someone likes reading, they can read a book for half an hour every day to relax and forget about their problems.
In conclusion, both doing exercise and ha ving a relaxing hobby are effective ways to reduce stress. People can choose the way that suits them the best according to their interests and needs.
Nowadays, people are increasingly stressed in their daily lives. Some people believe that exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress, whereas others think ha ving a relaxing hobby is b e tter. In my opinion, both methods are effective in reducing stress.
On the one hand, exercising is a great way to reduce stress. When people exercise, they can release negative emotions and feel more relaxed. Exercise can also improve physical health, which can help combat stress. For instance, running, swimming, or cycling can make people feel ha p py and relaxed. After exercising, people can ha ve a b e tter mood and more energy to face their daily lives.
On the other hand, ha ving a relaxing hobby is also a good way to reduce stress. For example, reading books, listening to music, or painting can help people forget their problems and relax. When people enga ge in their hob b ies, they can focus on their interests and forget everything else. This can help them achieve a b e tter mental state and reduce stress. For example, if someone enjoys reading, they can read a book for half an hour every day to relax and forget about their problems.
In conclusion, both exercising and ha ving a relaxing hobby are effective ways to reduce stress. People can choose the method that suits them best according to their interests and needs.
1. 在开头加入了“increasingly”,更好地表达了现代人压力加大的情况。
2. 将“some people think”和“others believe”改为了“some people believe”和“whereas others think”,使得语言更为简洁明了。
3. 在第一段中,将“can help them to res i st stress”改为“which can help combat stress”,更符合英语表达习惯。
4. 在第二段中,将“can help them to ha ve a b e tter mental state”改为“can help them achieve a b e tter mental state”,更为地道。
5. 在结尾处,将“according to their interests and needs”放在了句子的结尾,更加突出了这个重要的信息。


1. 教师评分法:教师根据作文的内容、语言、结构等方面给予评分,可以反映学生的写作水平。但是评分可能会受到主观因素的影响,不够客观。
2. 评语法:教师通过给予具体的评语来指导学生改进作文,可以帮助学生更好地理解自己的不足之处。但是需要教师具有一定的评价能力和经验。


